
1. Special "arastao" now compatible for all stages.
2. Added fx wind on saiyaman mode.
3. New auras for mode ssj.
4. Added short transformation for Gohan Mode.
5. Added short transformation for Gohan ssj.
6. New Khh fx for saiyaman mode.
7. New Khh fx for Gohan Mode.
8. New Khh fx for Gohan ssj.
9. Explosion align correctly.
10. ki sequences better for ssj.
11. Aura mode modify.
12. fireball fixed for a better acuaricy to Gohan ssj mode.
13. combos fixed.
14. Thunders fxs fixed.
15. Added a new ecial called "kibito recover", he recover energy to gohan, only you can use one time by round (life > 300)
16. fixed the "infinite problems" for a few moves.
17. Fixed pallete for a correct integration on the differents intros.
18. Wind special you can evite now without any problems.
19. damage of especial explosion disminuted.
20. compatibility wi all the stages. =D
21. fixed bug of shockin players.
22. Now you can chargue ki on fly mode in all the states.
23. You can return on the previous states(playin wit the 3 states the times that you wants)
24. Fixed style when gohan fly on intro.
25. Fixed style when gohan do a super punch
26. Deleted Fx sper punch when you're on saiyaman mode
27. You can untrasformate too into ssj with saiyaman mode if are flying with x+y
28. AI fixed
29. Videl helper fixed.
30. others currents bugs fixed
31. New sprites of walk for all modes
32. Sounds compressed and new ones...
Sprites : Nachonal
Thanks to:
White Devil: For help me to start this great sheet.
EddieBlackRose: for help me into the intro.
UG: For help me to finish somes sprites.
Neocide: For give me a permission for edit somes sprites from your sheet of goku and test.
Bardock: For give me a permission for edit somes sprites from your sheet of goku, make FXs and test.
Rono: For give me a permission for use somes sprites from your sheet of Kaioshin.
vieja del agua: For help me to finish somes sprites.
GokuThePower: For give me a permission for use somes sprites from your sheet of Videl.
Toad: For give me a permission for use your auras in somes animations.
wd: For the walks frames.
Zerbeus Dante: For help me on kibito sprites.
mv: for give me use english sounds.

PASS: solomugen.blogspot.com

Marry Christmas!
7 comentarios:
el codigo me aparece incorrecto, no se si el q postearon sea el verdadero, ciao!
No me carga siempre me bota, sale "error loading p1".
parece que no carga el archivo .snd
el codigo es correcto...
deben bajar el archivo snd por separado ahi tienen el idioma que quieran...
"pequeño" gran detalle GRACIAS!!
Char muy bueno, yo queria perguntar, se puedo usar este char en me novo mugen, um mugen muy bem feito e claro, darei créditos à ustedes...obrigado por sua compreensão
Un char muy bueno, me agrada su jugabilidad y todo lo demas, el unico problema que le he encontrado es que en ocasiones el aura de recarga desaparece y deja de cargar, un pequeño problema a la hora de enfrentar a grandes enemigos, pero aun asi es bastante entretenido
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